Your Heirloom Pendant Sizes

When deciding on the perfect pendant size for you, there are a few things to think about:

  1. What is the impression of?
  2. Am I planning to wear multiple pendants on the same necklace?
  3. What size do I personally prefer?

Impression Types

Capturing fingerprints or finger indentations?

Fingerprint - The impression and texture captured from the finger detailing the clear lines unique to that person.

Finger Indentation - The shape or indentation captured when a finger or toe is impressed into the wax. A lovely alternative to capturing the tiny scale when fingerprints have not yet developed.

If you are planning on creating an heirloom impression necklace of a fingerprint or a finger indentation, the size of the finger is a factor. For example, if you are impressing a tiny newborn or baby finger, most of the pendant would be wasted space and could look a little out of proportion. With smaller fingers, we would recommend a Micro or a Mini pendant size.

On the flip side, if you are creating an impression taken from more developed fingers, the size of the pendant weighs more towards your personal preference. You can choose any heirloom pendant size ranging from the Mini to capture a more partial print covering the entire surface of the wax, through to the Maxi for large fingers/thumbs or multiple impressions.

In Summary

Here our base guidelines are:

  • Micro - Newborns / young toddlers
  • Mini - Young children and upwards
  • Midi - Any adult impression
  • Maxi - Large adult impression

Capturing other impressions? πŸΆπŸƒπŸͺ™

There is no end to what you can capture in the special Heirloom Wax. If it has a texture, you can capture it in the wax and immortalise it as a necklace worn and kept close to your heart.

For example, did you know that a fingerprint to us is as unique and personal as a dog nose texture? That's right! No sniffer is the same as the next.

When choosing a size for other impressions and textures, you'll need to just figure out what size seems the most appropriate for it. It's up to you!

Other Considerations

Wearing multiple pendants on the same chain?

If you are planning on wearing two or maybe three heirloom pendants on the same necklace or chain, don't forget to consider the weight.

Your Heirloom Kit necklace is solid precious metal. Nothing hollow about them! While this is great for quality and longevity, the weight can add up when stacked.

Size contrast can also look great. If you are planning to stack a couple of pendants together, a Mini or Micro works really well with a Midi, for example.

Micro and a Midi Heirloom Neckalce

Finally, your personal preference.

Don't forget to consider one of the most important factors, YOU! If you are going to be wearing and cherishing this necklace every day or on special occasions, it needs to feel right and comfortable.

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